Interim Inc. - a private nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide services and affordable housing, supporting members of our community with mental illness to build productive and satisfying lives. Interim offers a wide variety of programs that support more than 1,700 clients each year using a strength based social rehabilitation model that provides an alternative to institutionalization and offers culturally sensitive services that encourage self-direction, hope, healing and recovery.
Interim Inc. is the operator of the two programs at which the PADs project will be implemented and piloted in Monterey County.
Interim Inc., the operator of the two programs, utilize peer staff in a wide variety or roles and positions, including in supportive roles to client and participants on a peer advisory task force.
PADs are important for Monterey County for numerous reasons. At a foundational level, PADs will enable and strengthen consumer voice in their journey towards recovery, which in turn may expedite their recovery process as they feel empowered. At a systemic level, PADs existing in Monterey County will ideally drive better outcomes for clients and involved agencies during times of crisis, and reduce public healthcare costs incurred as responding agencies become more familiarized with mental health issues and mental health service agencies available to assist and respond during these times of need.
As Monterey County is piloting PADs with a population that has firmly but more recently initiated their path towards recovery, the evaluation of PADs as a tool to reduce recidivism and progress more efficiently through the Reaching Recovery model will see meaningful assessment.